Innovative Healthcare Solutions by Health Analytics

Health Analytics
3 min readJun 21, 2021

Efforts to streamline the sector have seen stakeholders, such as government officials, healthcare providers, and businesses, researchers, and citizens, put their heads together to find solutions. Outcomes-based contracting is changing how services are delivered in healthcare settings. The promise to provide solutions for specific goals ahead of payment makes the whole approach even more enticing. Solutions that demonstrate product value can help customers improve patient care, safeguard market position and agitate high-value contract outcomes. Health Analytics is a leading Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) company dedicated to helping clients bridge knowledge gaps, maximize data potential, and advance healthcare provision. Our mission as a research entity is to expand the data analytics potential through elevated thinking, insightful recommendation, and a flexible, consultative approach. Learn more about our core services:

Impact Consulting

A few years since its establishment, Health Analytics has become a leading brand in the outcomes and strategic consultancy industry. Impact consulting is a critical component of the broader healthcare analytics strategic consulting services. Our outfit is run by experienced researchers. We provide cutting-edge business challenge identification, knowledge gap solutions, decision support delivery, strategic partnerships, and strategic research planning.

Research Execution

If you are looking for a health consultant, we have experts who know how to interpret data based on evidentiary business and health outcomes. To ensure efficient research execution, we have come up with several strategies to support our clients. These include protocol development, data collection, data management analysis and modeling, and translational science ROI interpretation.

Research Oversight

The insights we provide are instrumental in identifying market loopholes, steady revenue streams, and wide-ranging value-based benefits. Under our expanded research oversight operations, we offer the following critical oversight solutions: study design, study site management, physician recruitment, and randomization, and focus group facilitation advisory panels. These operations are coordinated from the project management office.

Research for Return on Investment

Under the pragmatic leadership of Dr. Charles Ruetsch, Health Analytics is building a solid foundation of research integrity and collaboration between different stakeholders, including providers and manufacturers. Some of the solutions targeting research for ROI are comparative effectiveness research, economic modeling, quality improvement assessments, pragmatic trials, systematic literature review, and customized services.

Our Teams and Approach to Service Delivery

When providing solutions, we apply a 4-step approach that entails defining business questions, designing a tailored scientific approach to delivering solutions, conducting research and analyses, and translating scientific results into business value. To strengthen our research capacity, we regularly announce recruitments for research studies. The research outfit was started in 2005 by Dr. Charles Ruetsch to harness scientific findings into practical business solutions targeting the business and health care industry. Dr. Ruetsch has extensive experience working for many years as a senior healthcare researcher in the business domain. Some of the businesses Dr. Ruetsch has managed include Fortune 1000 ranked companies. Our Health Economics and Outcomes Research experts have time and again demonstrated leadership. The results are evident in rigorous study designs, impact analyses and close client collaboration. Health Analytics’ main laboratory is located in Columbia, MD.



Health Analytics

Health Economics and Outcomes Research | | 9200 Rumsey Rd # 215, Columbia, MD 21045 | (410) 997–3314